- 14 billion
- 4 billion
- 70,000
- 17,000
- 2,000
- 1492
- 1776
- 7.5 billion
These are numbers that rattle around in my head.
I think about some daily.
Meditating on these numbers helps me keep things in perspective and motivate me to be more bold.
In order, the numbers above represent the following:
- Age of the universe
- Age of earth
- # of years ago all Homo Sapiens were known to live as a smallish tribe in East Africa before spreading and taking over the planet
- Earliest signs of art created by Homo Sapiens in France at Lascaux
- Approx distance from the death of Christ
- Columbus new land voyage and America
- America freed; rethinks what a country should be from scratch given lessons from history
- Approximate number of humans alive today